Active Cross-sectoral Cooperation for Educational and Social Success_UP) and the project code (2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000031626)


Answer mode for each question from 1 to 5 (1=No; 2= possibly, 3=partially; 4= mostly; 5=completely)

This tool focuses on ways in which education quality assessment systems can be improved to tackle early school leaving.

For whom?

The quick scan is developed to be completed by individual headmasters, teachers, students, and parents interested in preventing early school leaving. The quick scan consists of a set of questions covering 4 themes: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Review. The questionnaire can be completed individually, or by a group of people discussing the score on each question.

User’s instruction

Please complete the questionnaire by simply marking for each statement whether you think it is applies to your participants and/or to what extent, by providing a score on a scale of 1 to 5: “5” you completely agree, ”1” meaning you completely disagree. Completing the questionnaire will take you no longer than 15 minutes.


The feedback is presented in the form of a spider graph diagram showing the participants’ perception of how the headmasters, teachers, students, and parents are dealing with each of the 4 main themes and the underlying aspects. Additionally, to these scores, inspirational ideas (general advice) will be presented to support improvement.